All newsValue Creation Team: The Founder shall focus on what he does best. We are here for all the rest.

Recently we have introduced Sean Gaddis who has taken the role of the Head of Value Creation Team, and now we would like to introduce also other members of this team. The team consists of five people who bring together narrow areas of their expertise into the projects. How do they see their work in Value Creation Team?
Radko Sekerka – Business Provocateur

“What does VCT do? I see it as a family with us being the parents. You want the companies to be successful and do everything in your power to help them, same as with children. There are unpleasant things we need to tell them, and then there are things they need to find for themselves. I think that’s the hardest part, not to intervene, letting them do it by themselves.
On my business card it says business provocateur because my role is to provoke companies to grow online sales and customer base. Together we define goals, setup metrics, draw user flows and pick monetization strategy. What I love the most about my job is that I get to apply my skills across a huge variety of business models, services and products. The thing you learn here, you apply there, immediately. The whole learning process is quicker than when you work for a single company.”
Vojta Roček – Business Intelligence
“Every day I search for new talents and help build analytical teams. I bring best-practice, try out new tools and look for solutions of problems which nobody has ever tried to solve. What I bring to start-ups is “data-drive culture”. I emphasize numbers and making decisions based on facts.
In contrast to other incubators and accelerators, helping start-ups is a full-time job for us – we are specialists in very specific areas paid for maximal attention to individual projects. “
Jan Habich – Product Innovation
“In VCT I help to express the idea of a product in such a way that even our mothers would understand it. I make an effort to make the product communicate with the user clearly and comprehensibly and make the experience of interaction memorable.
I became the member of VCT, because it is a great opportunity to “be there when it happens”. Rockaway is doing a great job when selecting the projects and the feeling when they are growing is priceless. The biggest added value is that the founder who is dealing just with his product cannot keep pace with improving expertise in ten other fields. And that´s why we are here. Founders can concentrate only on what they do best.”
Petr Mahdal – Strategic Planning
“Every day I meet start-up founders and help them define goals and strategies of the company, partial roadmaps and prioritize. I provide mentoring and personal coaching in given areas.
What most motivates me in work for VCT is the possibility to meet people who are in many aspects full of energy and have big drive and motivation to get an idea somewhere beyond the horizon. At the beginning, it is very important to set the rules with start-ups and clearly define what they are responsible for and what we are responsible for.”
Kristýna Melicharová – Market Assessment
“My main responsibility is to follow and evaluate the behavior of markets and customers – I evaluate the potential of the idea, search for niches on the market and help to position the product before entering foreign market.
Value Creation Team is a unique opportunity for me to support Rockaway´s vision – to connect online and offline world and help startups enter global markets. Thanks to Value Creation Team, each startup saves time and sources, avoid mishaps in things discovered long time ago, and has the possibility to fully focus on their core activities, and consequently grow much faster.”
Sean Gaddis was named as Head of VCT few weeks ago. Watch the video..