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May 21, 2015,

E-commerce Holding Expands Abroad: Proděti.cz launches its Slovak version and plans own product brand.

E-commerce Holding Expands Abroad: Proděti.cz launches its Slovak version and plans own product brand.

Besides working on its strong portfolio on domestic market, E-commerce Holding has also started working on the plan to become an important player in Central and Eastern Europe.

First step has already been taken – this week they have launched the online shop Bambino.sk in Slovakia. This year, this online shop with children´s goods will enter also Poland and will launch its own brand of children´s products.

“Just as all other online shops of E-Commerce Holding, Proděti.cz also uses common logistic platform and know-how of the group, which makes it a lot easier to enter new markets,” Jan Jírovec, CEO of E-Commerce Holding, comments on the competitive advantage, and confirms that it is their strategic plan to expand to the markets of Central and Eastern Europe. online shop with children´s goods is not the first one to go beyond the borders of Czech market. Sports online shops Snowboards and Sporty, fashion online shop Big Brands or Vivantis shops also sell their products abroad.

“The performance of Proděti.cz has persuaded us that we are able, thanks to the combination of fast delivery, excellent customer service and offer of new brands, to attract quite a large number of mothers – more than 300 000 have already registered here,” says its founder František Peterka about the success and adds: “Next step is to expand abroad – to launch completely localized online shops on other markets in the region – currently Bambino.sk and by the end of this year launch also the Polish version.

Proděti.cz has already gained the customer base of tens of thousands mothers thank to the widest offer of children´s clothes and shoes as well as wide offer of toys, sports equipment, children´s room equipment, or infant products – nappies, baby milk and baby food. Estimated profit for 2015 is about 150 million CZK.

Slovak online shop for mothers will offer more than 50 000 products for kids from 0 to 10y/o and most importantly, localized customer center offering help for mothers not just with baby care and choosing the right products. Planned profit of Bambino.sk is about 1 million euro.

However, the plans of Proděti.cz go further than to Slovakia. The long — term goal of the project is to become one of the biggest specialized e — shops in Central and Eastern Europe. They want to reach it with excellent customer service and the widest offer of children´s products on the market. Besides new brands, they will also offer products of their own brand available already at Christmas this year.

E-commerce Holding represents a network of specialized online shops and is co-owned by investment group Rockaway and Czech Media Invest. Since its launch in 2014 it has built up the portfolio of 16 online shops and operates with the customer base of 3 million users.